Sharkfin SUP rentals was founded out of our love for the oceans and our modern homage to the surf roots of Stand-Up Paddleboarding.

Our obsession is to share with you the same freedom and fun we feel while exploring the beauty of our watery lands. No hourly rentals, no stress. Book your kit, meet us at the pickup spot, and get stoked. Your party is all day long (or more if you’d like), and it’s just getting started.



We’re proud to support two causes that we’re passionate about: shark conservation efforts and beach litter cleanups. Read more about them below.



Protect where you play.

It’s not as fun when you’re wading through a trashed beach to get out on the water.

This summer, we’re proud to be working in partnership with Surfrider Foundation Vancouver.

We’ll be offering free paddleboard rentals to volunteers during beach cleanup events to help support Surfrider’s cleanup and plastic reduction initiatives. Stay tuned for more announcements and help volunteer to keep our beaches clean.


#finsOn SUPs, not in soup

Sharkfin SUP’s not just a cheeky name’s for paddleboards, but also a calling to a cause that’s dear to our hearts.

You will probably never see a shark while paddleboarding in Vancouver, but their importance in the health of our oceans is anything but invisible.

Before I started Sharkfin as 'Sharkfin', I wanted to choose a name that would call break away a person's focus on closer glance. To make them rethink, and redirect towards a cause that could benefit from their awareness.

Sharkfin is personally meaningful as a little ironic jab at my own Asian heritage. I grew up with the perception that shark fin soup was a gourmet and desirable delicacy, served at birthday and anniversary banquets for relatives and weddings. It wasn't until much later that I learned the cruel truth behind how shark fins were obtained. A 400 million year old apex predator, turned into some gelatinous, flavorless, strangely textured soup ingredient.

In the past decade, our Western society has seen some amazing social and cultural shifts towards the acceptance of sharks as 'not monsters'. As 'not gourmet' soup ingredients. The outcry generated by people all around the world has paved the way towards increased shark protection measures. Slowly, countries like Canada and the UK are taking measures towards conservation measures, such as banning shark fin imports and trading.

"Everyone, everywhere is inextricably connected to and utterly dependent upon the existence of the sea." — Sylvia Earle

Sadly, it’s not enough.

Sharks are still in major trouble, to say the least. Everyday, sharks are being de-finned and killed, caught as bycatch in nets, harvested for their livers to make cosmetic products and medications, even ground up into pet food. Sharks, along with rays, have declined by over 70% in the last 50 years due to overfishing. As apex predators, the health of sharks is vital to the health of oceans. And the health of the oceans is vital to the health of our planet, and us as a species.

So what can we do?

Though we are a young company, one amongst many, we want to add our support towards these causes for shark and ocean conservation. As we take advantage of the gifts of nature we have in Vancouver, we want to help give back, in inciting mindfulness towards how our actions have direct impacts on the health of our oceans.

We're really excited to grow towards initiatives that we can support, and work towards giving back a percentage of all profits to support initiatives and organizations that do real, actionable work in shark conservation and ocean protection.

Please join us on this exciting journey as we continue to grow, build, and learn together in reconnecting with our oceans.

With love,

Sharkfin Founder